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Keapin' it real at Giphy, Tosler Davis & Coworkrs

Keap candles pop up at Giphy and Coworkrs Credit: Cara Hai

Image credit: Graham Cocoran


We've been busy these past few weeks popping up with candles all over the place! If you noticed fine aromas as you wandered the streets of New York it may well have been us. Here's a run down of the latest places you could spy Keap candles.

Getting Giphy with it

What better than to combine the web's favorite animated file format with the webs favorite candle company? Nothing, that's what! We had to make it happen, and popped up at Giphy HQ.

We had a wonderful time meeting the Giphy team, seeing their digs, discussing our partnership with SolarAid and how we pour coconut wax candles down in Industry City. We also enjoyed our first cardboard celebrity appearance!


Liam one direction giphy keap candles popup

Staying stylish at Tosler Davis 

Last week we had the pleasure of making a stylish appearance at Tosler Davis—one of the top salons in New York City. Add a better candle to your post styling head massage and you have the definition of pampering!


 Keap candles selling coconut candles at Tosler davis

Working it at Coworkrs

Next up on the Grand Candle Tour of 2016 was Coworkrs, at their gorgeous new space in Gowanus. The space was a trippy blend of post-industrial chic with futuristic, almost James Turrell-esque, bright color and neon light nooks. Go check it out, and if you're looking for a coworking space that knows a good candle when they see one, look no further!


Keap candles great design and art at Coworkrs gowanus brooklyn

As always get in touch if you'd like us to bring the Keap tour to your office or business. Drop us a line at

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