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Black Lives Matter

We have witnessed the protests unfold this weekend and we unequivocally and passionately stand in support with the Black community in condemning police brutality and ongoing racism in America.

We see centuries of pain being expressed.

Racism is a structural issue, pervasive in all of society, and so too within Keap. We want Keap to be a safe place for Black folx, and all people of color, to feel safe from racism and discrimination. We want to be part of the solution, and know we have to take direct action to dismantle the issue of racism and white supremacy.

This starts with each of us individually (particularly white and white-passing folk) taking responsibility, and committing to ongoing action. It’s an ongoing journey and today we want to share a few new areas of support to our ongin anti-racism work focused on our team. Starting today, they will have the option to have their donations to anti-racism work amplified through donation matching, or to have the costs of an anti-racism workshop covered with @iamrachelricketts.

Another broader tangible action we’re taking is looking at how Keap can lend our voice and power as a white-owned business to demand racial justice and accountability from our political representatives. We are drafting a letter to our elected officials this week, and will share more shortly.

What we leave unsaid, leaves only the silent status-quo to fill the void. It’s clear we don’t do enough to make clear we’re anti-racist, anti-discrimination, pro-justice and equality either inside or outside of Keap. This is something we will continue addressing in future through a longer-term strategy e.g. through anti-racism training. There’s so much work we still need to do as a business and individuals.

I’ll end on a personal note: I really wish we could give more financial support as a business at this moment, but I also know we have to steward Keap through the concurrent crisis of COVID-19. While our financial resources are capped, our energetic ones aren’t. We will continue to look at ways to support the Black community in the coming days and weeks. Personally, I am excited to become better educated and become a more effective anti-racist ally. As with all discrimination, liberation of the oppressed is really about liberation for all of us from a system that oppresses.


– Steve from Keap

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