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Tumbler ReUse: Cultivating Candle Jars

We put together a quick and easy guide with steps you can follow to re-use any candle glass, and now we're sharing some fun things to do with your new collection of tumblers.

Similar to the sourdough bread many seem to be baking now, I noticed friends and strangers alike growing their own vegetables in cups of water from their food scraps.

I started off with scallions, used them until I reached the white portion of the stalk, then I dropped them into my cleaned Keap tumbler. I’m no expert gardener by any means, but I’m changing the water every other day and seeing what comes of it!

    I’ve also seen this with celery and romaine lettuce. Are you growing anything at home with your food scraps?

    With love,

    —Jess from Keap

    P.S. to see other Tumbler ReUse ideas head to our archive of past ReUse posts.

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