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Hibernating Candlemakers

We made it to December 22nd! After a year of change, we’re about to take our annual winter break, and I want to share more about what this break means for you and for us.

We’ll be closed from Thursday, December 24th, until we return on Monday, January 4th. 

We started Keap from a deep desire to help foster more connection in our lives: to the natural world, our loved ones, and our own spirits. We know this has to start with the way we live and work at Keap. If we’re not feeling connected in our own lives, how can we hope to stand for this as a company?

When we say closed, we really mean it this year: we will not be shipping, making candles, or answering emails during our break. In the past, I have often found myself working during my vacations. It’s a particularly easy trap to fall into for a small business owner in today’s technological age. This year has thrown into sharp relief the need to prioritize staying well. As a company, we strongly believe that taking true time away from work helps us stay healthy and reconnect with ourselves and our loved ones. I know I will come back from our winter break refreshed and inspired. As the (new) adage goes: nobody wants a burned-out candlemaker!

We’ll be back before you know it! In the meantime, I’ve anticipated the most frequent shipping-related questions we might receive and put together answers in a quick blog post here. We’ll be around all of tomorrow (12/23) should you have any last minute questions before we enter “hibernation mode.” If not we’ll see you on January 4th.

There were moments this year when the way forward felt unclear. Despite this, your support was unwavering. That inspired us, and we’ve never felt more committed to Keap's purpose. It starts with making better candles, but it is ultimately about building towards a future filled with more meaningful connection.

Wishing you a restful end to this year,

—Stephen, Harry, and the whole Keap team


Thanks for making our 2020 so special!

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