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Keaper Survey Debrief part 1

This post was originally shared in our email newsletter on August 21, 2023.

248 Keapers completed our 2023 annual Keaper survey, and the results did not disappoint!

It took me a few weeks to digest a very large amount of insight, inspiration, constructive feedback, and love. Thank you so much to all of you for sharing all of the above. 🥰

In order to give space to the incredible breadth and depth of feedback, today I am just going to focus on how our community is doing. In the next few weeks, we’ll dive into both your feedback as well as our upcoming plans around our products and community. Finally we’ll share updates on our long-term vision: the Keap dream!

Since it’s too long to fit in an email, here is where you’ll find how Keapers evaluated the change in their well-being since the pandemic. We also looked at our collective relationship to social media and mapped that data against social and mental well-being.

The number that jumped out most at me was around social health. By quite some margin, Keapers reported that their social health had worsened far more than other measures of well-being in the past three years.

Right now I can only speculate on why we saw this trend. 

If you identify with the statement that your social health has worsened over the last 3 years, I would love to hear from you. What drove this deterioration for you?

Reply to this email with your thoughts and help us solve this mystery! 🙂 Information you share won’t be quoted in our newsletter, unless specifically authorized by you.

Lastly, quite a few of you mentioned in the survey that you often want to respond to these emails but hold back because you worry that you’ll impose more work on us. I’m here to tell you to brush those worries aside as we love nothing more than hearing from you! It really provides us a lot of joy.

Ciao ciao for now,

 — Harry from Keap, Steward-Owner

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