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A Quick Update

This post was originally shared in our email newsletter on July 18th, 2023.

As many of you know, we've been struggling to reconcile ever-hotter weather with our coconut wax, which has many advantages but a relatively low melt point. However, hope is on the horizon!

A few weeks ago we had a research breakthrough, and since then, we have been eagerly testing a new wax formulation. Our tests have consistently shown excellent results—both in terms of candle performance as well as “melt-proofness”—so we will be able to start shipping out candles with this new formula on Friday!

It will take us a few days to catch up on our backlog, and some challenges remain. While we will be able to pour Isle of Jasmine (our July seasonal scent) and Wood Cabin candles with the new wax, we already poured all of our Waves (our June seasonal scent) candles with the softer wax. We are still closely monitoring the weather to seize the opportunity of milder temperatures, so we can get those Waves candles to their rightful homes melt-free.

In short, if you’ve been waiting a long time for a candle, you will either be getting it soon or hearing from us with some options in the coming days.

Lots of exciting news to come in the next few days (and below).


 — Harry from Keap, Steward-Owner

P.S. We’ll share more on what we changed with the wax and how we did it later this week :)

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