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Getting to Know our Keaper Community Better Through Voting!

Before the Midterm elections, we asked our active Keaper community to send us their “I Voted” sticker pics, and the participation was inspiring!

Practicing one’s right to vote is crucial to maintaining a working democracy. With the challenges this country has seen politically and economically, we knew the Midterms were nothing to take lightly. We created a raffle for our Keaper community to submit their “I Voted” sticker pics, where one lucky Keaper was selected at random, winning a free Keap subscription for a year!

Some furry, beloved Keapers!

Although there was only one winner chosen this time around, we just wanted to thank you all so much again for sharing your “I Voted” stickers with us! 

We had so much fun getting to know you and our larger Keaper community a little better through this, and we so appreciate your participation in our raffle and for showing up for democracy!

— The Keap Team 

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