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Tumbler ReUse: Creative Candleholders

We put together a quick and easy guide with steps you can follow to re-use any candle glass, and now we're sharing some fun things to do with your new collection of tumblers.

Inspired by our March Seasonal scent, Wood Cabin, I thought it may be a great idea to incorporate some forest-friendly décor into my apartment.

I’ve always loved decoupage and vintage botanical ephemera, so I decided to share a simple, easy, and nature-inspired project reusing Keap tumblers.

What you’ll need:

  • Keap tumbler
  • Mod Podge
  • Epherma (I chose botanical prints, but you can choose florals, animals, etc.)
  • Foam brush

To save on time, I decided to purchase pre-cut, vintage botanical prints from Etsy. Because some of the cut-outs are extremely delicate, I recommend applying a thin layer of Mod Podge directly onto the glass of where the cut-outs will lay. Using your fingers or tweezers, gently lay the cut-out on top of the glue. If there are any bumps, creases, or bubbles, smooth out the cut-out immediately before the Mod Podge gets too tacky. Apply a thin layer of Modge Podge over the top of the cut-out. Allow your tumbler to dry completely. Once dried, you can place a tea light (or anything, really!) inside the tumbler and enjoy!

These botanical inspired tumblers add a touch of nature to get you through the cold winter months.

Thanks for reading,


Yasmine from Keap

P.S. to see other Tumbler ReUse ideas head to our archive of past ReUse posts.

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