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We're back, baby!

This post was originally shared in our email newsletter on June 28th, 2024.

Suzanne, here! The Keap team is back in the studio after a refreshing two weeks away — except for Harry, who is still enjoying a well-deserved sabbatical.

Ahead of last year’s summer break, Harry shared this reflection on burnout and how vacation can be an important tool for “keeping that vocational flame alive.” We recognize that it is an immense privilege to work for a company that offers two weeks of summer vacation, and each of us took full advantage of this opportunity to nourish ourselves outside of work.

Many of us were able to spend time visiting with friends and family, tending home gardens, and enjoying all the camping, hiking, and climbing the Hudson Valley and Adirondacks have to offer. Fittingly for June, most of us gravitated toward waves of some kind — from surf spots in New Jersey to the shores of Cape Cod, New Hampshire, and Maine to the wave pool at our local water park.

I’m happy to report that when Harry said that we see our work at Keap as a vocation rather than a job, that statement rings true, especially with the perspective gained from time away. Though after two weeks off the shipping queue is quite long, the candle shelves are quite empty, and our inboxes are quite full, each order note we write, candle we inspect, and email we send is imbued with gratitude for our Keap community. 

As we catch up on all of the above, we’d love to hear from you! What are the ways, big or small, that you are incorporating rest and inspiration into your summer plans?


— Suzanne from Keap, Storytelling Lead

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